Wednesday 27 October 2010

Briefs,drawers,boxers and other undergarments

This has quite literally been the least productive week at uni so far. New project brief, which I'm not engaging with at all, is being practically ignored right now. Instead I've turned to the MH&C briefs, whilst simultaneously trying to sort out my attitude and general indifference towards everything.
I'm really inspired by the MH&C briefs, but that means it's all the more difficult to decide which one to choose for my essay! Indecisive is apparently my middle name.

The first 3 briefs have the most appeal, but that's probably got more to do with the fact that they relate to topics already covered in the lectures. The theme of realism is one which I feel I could write really passionately about, therefore question 2 seems appropriate.
On the other hand, there's a lot of material available for researching question 3 (deconstruction & analysis incorporating semiotics).
Well that removes 4 briefs from the picture, now just to decide upon question 2 or 3...
that middle name's rearing it's ugly head once again...

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