Wednesday 20 October 2010

Lets get the ball rolling properly...

So my next MH&C lecture is tomorrow, still finding my feet in class but enjoying it a lot nonetheless.
So far we've had an intro to the course and then a lecture on realism which was actually very interesting.

On reflection I probably should have written my thoughts on the lecture immediately after, then I would remember some of the jargon and various impressive facts Ivan threw our way. Lacking in notes for that lecture, may or may not be due to mine and April's extreme lateness - ahem, moving on. I'll be 'on it' starting tomorrow though.

On another note, after a heads up from Sean I've discovered the History of Horror BBC series and I've been raving about it ever since to any SFX student who crosses my path. It really is awesome & anyone with an interest in horror movies should watch it.

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